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Assorted ultrasound cases- by Joe Antony, MD
Sonography of normal ductus.
The normal ductus arteriosus (arrowed) of a 2nd trimester fetus is seen well in this gif video. Sp= spine, rv= Right ventricle, Rt= right side of the fetus, Lt= left side of fetus, Ao= aorta .Ultrasound Video taken using a Pie Scanner 100 Falco, by Dr. Joe Antony. Ultrasound video edited by Dr. Anatoly, Ukraine.In these images (above) the ductus arteriosus is marked by an asterix.
Ultrasound image shows the RVOT, the pulmonary trunk and bifurcation into the right and left pulmonary arteries. Image courtesy of Dr. Gunjan Puri, India.
These 2 sonographic images of the fetal heart show the Left ventricular outflow tract as it leaves the fetal left ventricle . LV= left ventricle; RV= right ventricle.
The above ultrasound images of the fetal heart (fetal echocardiography, show the left ventricle (image on right) with the left ventricular outflow tract emerging from it to enter the aortic arch. The image on left shows the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) with the pulmonary trunk emerging from the right ventricle. This is seen to divide into the right and left pulmonary arteries. Ultrasound images courtesy of Gunjan Puri, MD, India./p>
This sonographic image shows the normal four chambers of the fetal heart.
This 3 vessel view (ultrasound and color Doppler video) of the fetal heart in early 3rd trimester shows the Pulmonary artery- PA dividing into the right and left pulmonary arteries and continuing as the ductus arteriosus to meet the arch of aorta in a V shape (with the arch). The SVC is the superior vena cava and Ascending aorta (AO) is seen continuing as the Arch to meet the ductus arteriosus ( forming the characteristic V shape).